Please send your questions for inclusion in FAQ to [email protected]
Q: Where can I find sample 3MT® presentations?
A: The Competitor Resources page provides many helpful tools, including sample presentations from the preliminary round of the 2022 ME 3MT® competition, to reference.
Q: Can my 3MT® presentation go a little longer than 3 minutes?
A: No, any presentation, either given virtually (for the preliminary round) or given in person (for the final competition), longer than 3 minutes will be disqualified from the competition.
Q: What is allowed on my 3MT® slide?
A: One single static PowerPoint slide is permitted. In preparing the slide, remember that ‘less is more’. It does not have to include text. Visual cues are very effective in assisting the presenter’s explanation of their research (No slide transitions, animations, sound or ‘movement’ is permitted).
Q: Can I use more than one slide during my 3MT® presentation?
A: No, any presentation, either given virtually (for the preliminary round) or given in person (for the final competition), that uses more than one slide will be disqualified from the competition.
Q: Can I use palm cards or notes during my presentation?
A: Yes, palm cards and/or speech notes are acceptable, however, this option may detract from the delivery of the 3MT® and is not recommended.
Q: Can I use additional props during my presentation?
A: No, additional props (e.g. costumes, musical instruments, laboratory equipment) are not permitted during a 3MT® presentation. Laser pointers are allowed, however not encouraged (your slide should be simple enough that you do not need to emphasize elements to the audience).
Q: Can I use sound or video?
A: No additional electronic media (e.g. sound and video files) is permitted during a 3MT® presentation.
Q: Is there a dress code?
A: The dress code for both rounds will be business-casual/professional.
Q: Can I win more than one award?
A: No, each individual participant can only win one award.
Q: What happens if I cannot attend the final?
A: The finalists selected from the online preliminary rounds are expected to present in person at the final competition. If a finalist is unable to attend the final competition in-person, his/her presentation will be removed from the competition program.